Project Details

Monitoring & Evaluation MIS – Mano River Union Road Development & Transport Facilitation Programme

Organize and manage the delivery of assignment as a MIS Expert/MIS Training Specialist

·  MIS System Upgrade: Updated the MIS to include new inputs for the project and ensured the system could track key performance indicators (KPIs);

·  Baseline Survey and Impact Assessment: Conducted baseline data collection, mid-term reviews, and post-construction surveys for key indicators such as traffic volumes, travel times, and vehicle operating costs;

·  Training and Capacity Building: Trained the Ministry of Public Works staff on the use of the MIS system, ensuring they could input, manage, and analyze project data;

Reporting and Monitoring: Produced interim and final M&E reports, including detailed procedural manuals, interactive training materials, and impact assessment reports; and

Collaboration with Stakeholders: Coordinated with MPW, VisionRI, and other stakeholders to ensure smooth project execution and alignment with project objectives.

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